I am having string object coming from a DataSet. It can contain either the Numeric Strings (like "123","123.23",...) or even the Character string (Like "America","Britain"...).
Now, I am assigning this value to another column in the dataset whose datatype is Doube. Now, I wanted to check before assigning whether whatever the String I am getting from the Source column can it be converted to Double or not?
i.e I want to know is there any object/method in .Net Framework using which I can know whether I can convert one datatype to another datatype or not?
Any help regarding this would be great.
Thanks in Advance,
Areef.Hi Areef,
I am not familiar with such an object, but you can use Double.TryParse to perform your task.
Hi pmd_areef,
Try the following for testing if value is a Double. Example:
/// <summary>
/// Is the value supplied numeric (Integer, Double).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">Value to test</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsNumeric(object number)
double tempResult;
return IsNumeric(number, out tempResult);
}public bool IsNumeric(object number, out double result)
return Double.TryParse(number.ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any,
System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out result);
Hope this helps.
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